Why Varo?
Insufficient water treatment or water quality can result in severe damages, if the problems are not identified in time. Typical examples are a leak in a boiler tube and a permanent loss of turbine efficiency. Varo’s experts have a vast experience working with tens of power stations. We can evaluate the pros and cons of different water treatments and make sure that the chosen water treatment is suitable and results in good protection against corrosion and scaling problems. We can assess water and steam qualities and internal corrosion and scaling in boiler tubes with our portable equipment. With the on-site measurements we can find and confirm causes for the encountered problems and make sure that the corrective actions have the desired impacts.
We can help the operators in designing and performing analyses and inspections aimed at confirming that boiler and steam qualities are good and no corrosion nor scaling takes place. Thanks to our experience and advanced measurement techniques, we can make sure that the analyses and inspections are well-targeted and efficiently performed.
If the customer has already detected some problems in water or steam qualities or noticed indications of accelerated corrosion or scaling, we can carry out more detailed studies and find out the root causes for the problems and, together with the customer, plan and carry out the corrective actions.
Contact us
+358 (0) 40 865 2019 timo.karjunen@varo.fi
+358 (0) 44 5511 332 jussi.vanska@varo.fi
+358 (0) 44 5525 213 jussi.lahde@varo.fi
Fredrikinkatu 75 A3 / FI-00100 Helsinki & Standertskjöldinkatu 1 / FI-53200 Lappeenranta